About us

Refuge’s Technology-Facilitated Abuse and Economic Empowerment Team are the only UK specialist service directly supporting survivors facing complex tech and economic abuse concerns.
The team was established in 2017 in response to the overwhelming reports of technology-facilitated abuse from women and children accessing our services. Due to the cost-of-living crisis the team have seen an increase in demand for support relating to economic abuse. The team support women to use technology safely, to avoid compounding their isolation by removing themselves offline. Refuge’s expert team carries out tech assessments and creates customised safety plans for survivors and their children.
Alongside survivor support the team support agencies, professionals and tech developers to raise awareness of technology-facilitated and economic abuse.
- The team has dedicated training leads to design and develop training to raise awareness of technology-facilitated abuse and online economic abuse.
- Provides consultancy and support in relation to app reviews, safety by design features for tech developers to ensure that VAWG is included in reviews.
- Work alongside financial institutions to review safety features for survivors of online economic abuse.
- Attend conferences and events to raise awareness amongst agencies and professionals on trends relating to technology-facilitated abuse.
To contact the team please email Tech_Abuse@refuge.org.uk
You’re not alone
Refuge can offer support for all your circumstances. We’re here for you.
You can read stories of tech abuse survivors supported by Refuge on our Support survivors page.