[Background music plays]
Soft down beat piano music
[Animated sequence]
Woman sitting on an armchair receives a few messages from partner. Messages accumulate and overwhelm her.
[Text displays]
Hey haven’t heard from you; I’m thinking about you; What you up 2? Where are you? Why are you not answering? What are you doing?…
[Female voice over]
Tech is a huge part of all our lives. It’s how we stay connected. But it can also be used to control and overwhelm. If you think technology is being used against you, we’re here to support you.
[Animated sequence]
The scene transitions to a family picture of a woman, a man and their child. The picture is split into two parts: with the mother and child in one part and the father in the disappearing part. Following this, the mother is reading a bedside story to her child. The mother then goes to her bed, says ‘radio off’ to her smart home device and both mother and child fall asleep in their own bed. The ex-partner is shown remotely controlling the woman’s home device so that it triggers some loud noise in the middle of the night. This wakes up both the mother and child. The child is crying.
[Female voice over]
You have the right to be safe and respected, online and in real life.
If your partner is using social media, your phone or home devices to harass you, this is a form of abuse. And it’s not OK.
[Animated sequence]
Two women are speaking on the phone and arrange to meet in a park. One of the women types the date and place of the meeting in her phone. At the same time, this woman’s ex-partner can remotely view what she is entering in her phone from his own phone. While the two women are talking and laughing at the park, the ex-partner shows up and looks angry. The two women look very scared.
[Female voice over]
if your partner is using technology to harm, control or stalk you, he is breaking the law.
This is a form of domestic abuse and it’s not your fault.
[Animated sequence]
The women from the three different scenes are shown. They each think about their abuser and look sad. Their facial expression then changes. They are now showing determination. They each turn to their device (a phone or a tablet) and are looking for information and support on refugetechsafety.org.
[Female voice over]
You have the right to privacy.
If you would like some support about what you are going through, we’re here for you.
You can use the tools on our website to secure your devices and accounts.
[Animated sequence]
These three women are then shown using technology safely and in a fulfilling way:
the first woman is connecting with a friend by text, the second woman is showing her child how to use a tablet and the third woman is having a video conference call with work colleagues.
[Female voice over]
We can support you to use technology safely.
You have the right to live free from abuse and fear and to use technology safely to connect with others. Each woman is smiling.
[Text displays]
Refuge, For women and children, Against domestic violence (Refuge logo)
You’re not alone.
For information on how to use technology safely: www.refugetechsafety.org
[Female voice over]
You’re not alone.